domingo, 17 de enero de 2010


Recently there was a topic in about online website where you can buy cards and stuff. They all agree that find a good online store was pretty hard, but in MTGFanatic one can find a reliable and cheap place to buy magic cards, and most important a site that cares about the costumer, that offers a low shipping rate (not like other sites that charges around 20 dollars… nono), an insurance for the package and a great reliability.

They also offers the Western Union method, this means that you don’t need PayPal or a credit card just your money o the dollars (and since the dollar here in Chile is low… is a good deal!) to make a transfer directly to them.
The site itself is pretty cool and simple; the search method is useful and not complicated. They also make guides that show you how to play and how to improve your game.

MTGFanatic is the way. The only way.

BTW: 9 days to Metallica! 



A Votar contra la Derecha!